Sell Latex Building materials Online

Different Latex Building Materials To Sell

Latex: Latex, a white thick liquid obtained from the rubber tree and some other plants, is useful for the manufacture of paints, coatings, glues, and other building materials.

Different Latex made building materials for construction workers:

Latex Gloves or Handschoen:

For protection while mixing the POP mixtures; A product made especially for saving human hands from the damage caused during walls and ceiling constructions.

Rubber Arm:

Protective gear for the construction industry, specially made for welding arms for protection from fire electrons & for heat resistance. Combined with the latex glove, this arm doesn’t come in pairs and is usually available in a unipiece. Based on the dexterity & shapes of human and robo-hands, the arm comes in diverse formats. (Already available in the market for people to purchase.)

Latex Cement:

A super-adhesive kind of cement, with high durability and shelf-life; Stay put on the buildings for years to go. Cement being available in different shades (shade card books are also available in the market); one can choose the appropriate colour and avoid the further cost of paints and varnishes.

Rubber Boots:

Thigh-length boots that are waterproof, smudge proof, heat-resistant, and stain proof for construction workers to perform multiple tasks. These super cool boots can also be used as a dress code for your construction site team members. With MULTIPLE OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM, your team members would love to segregate into sects and perform tasks based on their ambidexterity.

Latex Cloth:

For cleaning oil, varnishes based stains from painted doors, cupboards and wardrobes. Available in different colours and shapes, the cleaning tasks become super friendly and easy to handle with a soft care for the hands of workers. The clothes can be available in different random shapes based on your company logo, your construction team’s department mission, or you can ask for random designs from the supplier to choose; so that you can make a custom cloth for your brand according to your company mission statement.

Rubber File:

When talking about latex, what can be better than rubber files to maintain records of your construction team members? With translucent rubber-made file pages, you can easily view names, housing details, contact numbers of your latex construction team members. Try funky file shapes like spherical, oval or circular, based on the shape of the building on which your team members are working. You can also segregate different building projects of the same shaped structure but yet differently styled buildings according to the various available colour options in the same rubber latex file shape.

Latex Rackets:

Looking at the graveness of the pest reproduction at the construction sites, (especially in the damp, moist areas and misty-rainy weathers), the bag-shaped electric rackets, (auto-powered and turned on using motion sensors), are great when considering the health of your team members. The latex and rubber-based these sack-like rackets are best for giving electric shocks to the heinous breath-taking pests and insects.

Rubber Sheath:

A protective sheath for your construction site janitor and his/her family; Rubber-made tent, or sack-like bag of sheath for the stay of your janitor and his family members until the construction of the site is going on.

Latex Stamp:

Want to maintain the records & documents of your employees in a rubber file and certify them? What can be better than the latex stamps? When looking for the paper-based version for storage, use a hard copy of the latex stamps and certify it with different coloured inks. When looking for the e-paper version of certification, use a digital and soft copy of the latex-textured looking stamp for your employee’s records.

Rubber BOOM:

A chewing gum styled LATEX BOOMERANG used for cleaning purposes once the construction of the house is completed. This Rubber Bubble Gum is amazing for cleaning spider webs, cobwebs, and for cleaning the multi-dimensional webs along the towpaths for the construction site besides the waterways.

Latex Spatula:

Banish the state of sluggishness and enliven and refresh the spirit of your building construction site! Use latex spatulas for perfection in cement sealing, painting, and varnishing to avoid excess scraping after the construction layout work.

Rubber Lid Grip:

“Where the rubber meets the road” – To condone and tame the stilt/parking lot area of your building or a construction site; use rubber/hot latex lid grips for maintaining the exact friction between the vehicles and the roads. Rubber lid Grip For you, find ways to use, no ifs and buts!

Rubber Scrapper:

A dinghy especially used for scrapping the waste from water-based moist soil, damp areas, and for using it as a filler for the new plots.

Rubber Ducker:

A motorised, inflatable, boat-shaped machine especially for water collection and proper water sewage.

Want to sell latex online? Contact us now!

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