Is responsive business website first step towards digital marketing?

Updated -   December 21, 2020 at 12:14 pm   |  3068 Views

If you are reading this post, definitely either you are planning something for the new startup or already in running a startup, a small-medium enterprise which needs something more by online market. Are you still igniting your motivational fire towards entrepreneurship? If yes, then you are only two-step away from digital marketing world.

By expansion of technology, every business either it is a startup, or a small-medium enterprise moving towards mobility to run their business smoothly and statistically. That was a time when business owner deals only in their local area for lead & sale generation but today, time is totally changed if your brand value is not good in the local market or you don’t have the local customers then you can also try to approach other geographical markets using a good responsive website. How?

Are you targeting worldwide internet & smartphone users Community?

As per Wikipedia’s 2017 report, more than 51% people are using internet globally. If we talk about smartphone users globally that is also more than 2.4 billion by Statista 2017 ranking factors. We can easily pitch and deliver our business-related ideas through a good responsive website. If your website is not responsive or mobile friendly then how it will adjust the screen size that can easily fit in customer mobile? Do you think a client will wait for it? No, he or she won’t. It means we are cutting that branches on which we are sitting.

Do you like heavy & slow speed websites? Of course no, then why your client will stay at your heavy business site? The story of slow & steady wins the race won’t work here. Due to lack of time & work pressure, no one has enough time to hold the same things. Search Engines also loves to rank responsive & faster websites on their SERP’s (Search Engine Result Page). Google also loves to rank only that websites which is faster & responsive. Are you little bit tensed about page speed then don’t worry about it, please check your current website speed & rank here.

Is your website compatible with Google Page Speed Insights Rank Factor?

Do you always want to stay ahead of the business competition?

If your competitor doesn’t have a responsive website or they don’t have an idea about this then you can also grab this opportunity & welcome that traffic by putting your leg up on the competitor using responsive business website which can easily load on any standard smartphone.

In the era of content marketing, are you still holding antiquated websites?

Change is a part of life. That is not only a quotation but this is state of human mind. 87% people love to try new things in life by daily basis. Now please think, 87% people still love your old-fashioned website?  Of course no, it is time to get some change in our business standards.

Is your website updated with Google’s latest algorithm?

As a website owner, you must know all these factors like AMP and mobile-friendly test by Google algorithm. Curious about this test then check it out here.

A responsive website is a real value for every single penny you have invested in it. As it builds a strong foundation for the success of search engine optimization so it won’t be wrong to say that it is the first step towards digital marketing.

Is Responsive Business Website First Step Towards Digital Marketing

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